Contraception: Copper IUD/Copper -T

Today I am back with another long acting contraception, the Copper IUD. It is very similar to mirena, except it has no hormone in it, and instead it has a copper wire wound around this plastic, which sits in your uterus. There is a nylon thread which comes out and coils around your cervix. There are 2 types of copper IUCD, one last for 5 years and the other for 10 years.
It needs a trained doctor or a nurse to insert it. It is a small procedure which can be done in the out-patient clinic. The insertion can cause mild discomfort and can be done using a local anaesthetic or under sedation, if needed.

It is great for those who do not want to use hormonal contraception, and also does not have the effects from the hormone. Great for women who do not want to have children at present, or those who have completed their families or want to space their pregnancies. Unlike the hormonal IUD, copper IUD cannot be used to control heavy periods. In fact it can make your periods heavier than usual. It is not advisable to use the copper IUD if you have long and painful periods, anemia or fibroids.

It can be used as a emergency contraception and can be inserted up to 5 days after the unprotected sex.

It is 99.8% effective and lasts for 5-10 years depending on the type you have chosen. When removed the fertility is easily reversible.

Talk to your doctor to see if the Copper IUD is suitable for you.

It does not prevent you from acquiring STIs. So please use a condom if you are at a risk of acquiring STIs.


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Featured photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash

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