Men and Mental Health

It is Men’s Health week and we have lost yet another young and charismatic souls to #suicide

Amongst the many that need to be Untabooed, Mental health is one.

It comes from the long history of shaming boys who are sensitive, who cry, who express how they feel and want to give up at times. I have heard “Are u a girl?” being yelled to boys who are having a meltdown (Well, that statement is incorrect at many levels, and that is a complete discussion on its own!) It is like questioning their manhood for being sensitive. It is almost like; it is a shame to express their feelings or vulnerability. Aren’t they human? Don’t they have a right NOT TO be able to cope at times?? In fact SENSITIVE MEN MAKE BETTER PEOPLE, they have less anger issues, and they are those with empathy, kindness and non-narcissistic traits. Well, raising men to bottle up their feelings, their emotions, and tolerate what hurts in silence has not done much good to anyone.

There is no need to feel shame about our brain not feeling the same at all times as others. We don’t feel that way when we have a tummy problem or a headache! It is necessary to identify that we are not happy form within. It is important to share that information with someone/anyone. It is important to get help at various levels be it a friend, psychologist or a psychiatrist. Just open up!! We are all allowed to cry, and have a meltdown. It is a way of letting out what is hurting within. Bottling our feelings and pretending to be strong is not necessary and it has proven to do more damage if anything.

We are all allowed to have our mental health days, because taking care of ourselves is the most important responsibility we’ve got. Reach out!! There is always someone who will hear you out. If one friend is not available call another. You are not alone. We are all in this together.

Photo by Fernando @cferdo on Unsplash

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